Design for Cost Bibliography

Edwin B. Dean

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Augustine, N. R. (1972). "Land Warfare," Journal of Defense Research, Institute for Defense Analyses, reprinted in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. AES-22, No. 5, September 1986.

Augustine, N. R. (1986). Augustine's Laws, Viking Penguin Inc., New York NY.

Berger, R. L. (1983). "A Systems Approach - Minimizing Avionics Life Cycle Cost," Thirteenth Intersociety Conference on Environmental Systems, San Francisco CA 11-13 July, Society of Automotive Engineers, 831107.

Corbett, J. (1986). "Design for Economic Manufacture," Annals of C.I.R.P., Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 93-97.

Dean, E. B. (1992a). "Design for Cost: Techniques and Impact on the Cost Community," presented at the NASA Cost Estimating Symposium, 24-27 February.

Dean, E. B. (1993b). "Designing for Cost," presented at the Cost and Effectiveness Analysis II Mini-Symposium of the Military Operations Research Society and the Society for Cost Estimating and Analysis, Falls Church VA, 2-4 March.

Dean, E. B. (1993g). "Why Does It Cost How Much," presented at the AIAA 1993 Aircraft Design, Systems, and Operations Conference, Monterey CA, 11-13 August, AIAA-93-3966.

Dean, E. B. and R. Unal (1991). "Designing for Cost," Transactions of the American Association of Cost Engineers, 35th Annual Meeting, June 23-26, Seattle WA, pp D.4.1-D.4.6.

Dean, E. B. and R. Unal (1992). "Elements of Designing for Cost," presented at the AIAA 1992 Aerospace Design Conference, Irvine CA, 3-6 February, AIAA-92-1057.

Dean, E. B. and R. Unal (1993). "Design for Cost: A Proactive Approach," presented at the 1993 National Conference and Educational Workshop of the Society for Cost Estimating & Analysis, Phoenix AZ, 21-23 June.

Dean, E. B., R. Unal, and A. M. Moore (1992). Cost Estimating, Design, and Cost Reduction Techniques, a tutorial for the International Society Parametric Analysts, Mitre Corporation, Arlington VA, 19 Oct.

Dodson, E. N. (1977) "Technological Change and Cost Analysis of High-Technology Systems," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. EM-24, No. 2, May, 1977.

Foure, C. (1980). Programmes for Military Engines with Cost Objectives, Rolls-Royce Limited, Derby, England, PNR-90058 AGARD-LS-107 TRANS-15261, DCAF E070028.

Kirkpatrick, D. and P. Pugh (1985). "Towards the Starship Enterprise - Are the Current Trends in Defence Unit Costs Inexorable?," The Journal of Cost Analysis, Vol. 2, Spring.

Kirkpatrick, D. (1987). "The Rising Cost of Defence Equipment," The Journal of Cost Analysis, Vol. 5, No. 1, Summer.

Michaels, J. V. and W. P. Wood (1989). Design to Cost, John Wiley and Sons, New York NY.

Pecht, M. G., J. Y. She, J. M. Hu, and K. J. Richter (1991). "Minimizing Life Cycle Costs," Concurrent Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 4, July/August, pp. 11-24.

Poli, C. and F. Fenoglio (1991). "The Feasibility of Part Reduction in an Assembly," Concurrent Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, January/February, pp. 21-28.

Pugh, S. (1983). "Engineering Out the Cost," Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference on Design Engineering, Birmingham UK, 4-6 October, pp. 121-128, North Holland Publishing Company.

Sheldon, L., G. Q. Huang, and R. Perks (1991). "Design for Cost - Situation Report," Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design ICED 91, Zurich, 27-29 August, pp. 1509-20.

Sheldon, D. F., R. Perks, M. Jackson, B. L. Miles, and J. Holland (1990). "Designing for Whole Life Costs at the Concept Stage," Journal of Engineering Design, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 131-145.

Unal, R. and E. B. Dean (1991). "Design for Cost and Quality: The Robust Design Approach," Journal of Parametrics, August, Vol. XI, No. 1, pp. 73-93.



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