Parametric Cost Analysis Bibliography

Edwin B. Dean

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Boehm, B. W. (1981). Software Engineering Economics, Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs NJ.

Coates, J. B. (1976). "Tool Costs and Tool Estimating," The Production Engineer, Vol. 55, pp. 202-207.

Cochran, E. B. (1976a). "Using Regression Techniques in Cost Analysis, Part 1," International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 465-487.

Cochran, E. B. (1976b). "Using Regression Techniques in Cost Analysis, Part 2," International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 489-511.

Cooper, W. W., K. K. Sinha, and R. S. Sullivan (1995). "Accounting for Complexity in Costing High Technology Manufacturing," European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 85, pp. 316-326.

Dean, E. B. (1985). "Finding Cost Estimating Relationships Using Principal Components Analysis," presented at the Seventh Annual International Conference of the International Society of Parametric Analysts, Orlando FL, 7-9 May.

Dean, E. B. (1989a). " Parametric Cost Estimating: A Design Function," Transactions of the Thirty Third Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cost Engineers, San Diego CA, 25-28 June.

Dean, E. B. (1989c). "Parametric Cost Analysis: A Tutorial," presented at the Second Joint National Conference of the National Estimating Society and the Institute of Cost Analysis, Washington DC, 5-7 July.

Dean, E. B. (1990b). "Perspectives on Weight and Cost presented at the 49th Annual Conference of the Society of Allied Weight Engineers, Chandler AZ, 14-16 May.

Dean, E. B. (1991). " Modeling Personnel Turnover in the Parametric Organization," Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the International Society of Parametric Analysts, New Orleans, LA, 21-24 May.

Dean, E. B. (1992). "Parametric Cost Analysis or Let the Data Do the Talking," presented at George Mason University, 29 October.

Dean, E. B. (1993a). "Parametric Cost Analysis: Let the Data Do the Talking," presented at the 1993 National Conference and Educational Workshop of the Society for Cost Estimating & Analysis, Phoenix AZ, 21-23 June.

Dean, E. B. (1993b). "A Neural Network Expendable Launch Vehicle Cost Model," presented at the NASA Cost Symposium, Cleveland OH, 13-15 October.

Dean, E. B. , D. A. Wood, A. A. Moore, and E. H. Bogart (1986). "Cost Risk Analysis Based on Perception of the Engineering Process," presented at the 1986 Annual Conference of the International Society of Parametric Analysts, Kansas City MO, 12-16 May.

French, M. J. (1990). "Function Costing: A Potential Aid to Designers," Journal of Engineering Design, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 47-53.

de la Garza, J. M. (1995). "Neural Networks Versus Parameter-Based Applications in Cost Estimating," Cost Engineering, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 14-18.

Gulledge, T. R. and L. A. Litteral, ed. (1989). Cost Analysis Applications of Economics and Operations Research, Springer-Verlag, New York NY.

Gulledge, T. R., W. P. Hutzler, J. S. Lovelace, ed. (1992). Cost Estimating and Analysis: Balancing Technology and Declining Budgets, Springer-Verlag, New York NY.

Holland, F. A., F. A. Watson, and J. K. Wilkinson (1974). Introduction to Process Economics, John Wiley & Sons, London, England.

Johnston, J. (1960). Statistical Cost Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York NY, USA.

Klein, R. S. and H. J. Tait (1971). "Faster, Better Tooling Estimates," Industrial Engineering, Vol. 3, December, pp. 12-17.

Large, J. P., H. G. Campbell and D. Cates (1976). Parametric Equations for Estimating Aircraft Airframe Costs, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica CA, February, R-1693-1-PA&E.

LeBlanc, D. J., J. Lorenzana, A. Kokawa, T. Better, and F. Timson (1976). Advanced Composite Cost Estimating Manual, Vol. I, Northrop Corporation, Hawthorne CA, AD-A041495.

McNichols, G. R., ed. (1984). Cost Analysis, Operations Research Society of America, Baltimore MD.

Meisl, C. J., 1990, "Parametric Cost Analysis in the TQM Environment", Paper presented at the 12th Annual Conference of International Society of Parametric Analysts, San Diego, CA.

Moore, A. A, and E. B. Dean (1987a). "Estimating The Entry Research Vehicle," Proceedings of the Ninth Annual International Conference of the International Society of Parametric Analysts, San Diego CA, 5-7 May.

Moore, A. A, and E. B. Dean (1987b). "Using the MCPLXS Generator for Technology Transfer," Proceedings of the Ninth Annual International Conference of the International Society of Parametric Analysts, San Diego CA, 5-7 May.

Moskwa, D. A. (1994). "Forecasting and Costing Technological Advances," U. S. Army TACOM, Cost and Systems Analysis Directorate (AMSTA-VCS), 27 July.

Putnam, L. H. (1977). "The Influence of the Time-Difficulty Factor in Large Scale Software Development," Compcon Proceedings, Fall, 6-9 September, pp. 348-353.

Putnam, L. H. and W. Myers (1992). Measures For Excellence: Reliable Software On Time, Within Budget, Yourdon Press, Englewood Cliffs NJ.

Salem, M. D., Jr. (1967). "Multiple Linear Regression Analysis for Work Measurement of Indirect Labor," The Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 5, May, pp. 314-319.

Stockton, D. J. and J. E. Middle (1982), "An Approach to Improving Cost Estimating," International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 741-751.

Unal, R., L. B. Bush, J. M. Ball, and K. R. Lindgren (1993). "Aerobrake Parametric Optimization Study," Journal of Parametrics, May, Vol. XIII, No. 1, pp. 51-65.



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