Comprehensive QFD

from the Perspective of Competitive Advantage

Edwin B. Dean


[NASA Logo]

Gustafsson (1995) notes that

According to Akao (1990) the definition of QFD reflects two purposes:

Together these two purposes create 'Quality function deployment in the broad sense' or Comprehensive Quality Function Deployment.

To rephrase this in a single sentence, Comprehensive QFD is the simultaneous deployment of quality, technology, cost, and reliability throughout the product, throughout the project to bring forth the product, and throughout the enterprise as a whole.

Comprehensive QFD include the simultaneous deployment of:


The quality deployment component of comprehensive QFD is shown below. Note that the roof and side roof on the charts correspond to a deployment, in the sense of the systematic diagram, rather than to the correlation matrix used in the USA for the house of quality.

The quality chart is the key to quality deployment. But we must remember that it is only one chart of many in the Bob King matrix of matrices (King, 1989), which provided the West with it's first glimpse of a recent version by Prof Ohfuji (Ofuji, 1995) shown below.





Comprehensive QFD Bibliography


Professional Societies

International Council for Quality Function Deployment
The QFD Institute



ICQFD Calendar of Events


Surfing the Web

John Terninko's QFD Page
QFD at Linköping University
QFD Institute Bibliography
QFD List Server


Quality Technologies | Quality Function Deployment | Use


Originated on 950526 | Improved on 980105
Author Ed Dean |