Genopersistation of the Genopersistation of the Entity

from the Perspective of Competitive Advantage

Edwin B. Dean


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The genopersistation of the genopersistation of an entity may take the form of a matrix or a tree. The matrix form is used here. In the recursion matrix, the row operates upon the column.

Observe that to operate something is to use that something for its purpose. Thus, to operate the design of an entity is to design the entity. Thus, within the genopersistation recursion operate X is X. Similarly, operate operate X is operate X is X, and so on. At a slightly higher level of abstraction, operate genopersist is to genopersist the entity and operate genopersist genopersist is to genopersist the genopersistation of the entity.

To operate a function is to perform, or implement, that function. The implementation of a function, or purpose, by an organization is an activity.

Activity based costing is a natural way to collect and estimate the cost of implementing a purpose. The cost of designing an entity is the cost of the activity (design,entity), which is the cost of implementing the compound purpose [operate,[design,entity]]=[design,entity].

The word entity is used to denote that we may genopersist a product, a service, a system, an organization, a project, or an enterprise, each of which is an entity.

Genopersistation of the Genopersistation of the Entity

Operate\Upon conceptualizeevaluatemarketdesignprototypetestproducedeployoperatesupportevolveretiremanage
design d[e]d[d]d[p]
operateo[c]=c o[e]=eo[d]=do[p]=po[t]=to[p]=po[d]=do[o]=oo[s]=so[e]=eo[r]=ro[m]=m
support s[p]



Genopersistation of the Genopersistation Bibliography


System Technologies | Genopersistation | Use


Originated on 03/02/95 | Improved on 03/04/97
Author Ed Dean |