Concurrent Engineering

from the Perspective of Competitive Advantage

Edwin B. Dea


[NASA Logo] There are many perceptions about the nature of concurrent engineering, also known as simultaneous engineering.

Winner, Pennell, Bertrand, and Slusarezuk (1988) define concurrent engineering as "a systematic approach to the integrated, concurrent design of products and their related processes, including manufacture and support. This approach is intended to cause the developers, from the outset, to consider all elements of the product life cycle from conception through disposal, including quality, cost, schedule, and user requirements."

Jagannathan, V., K. J. Cleetus, R. Kannan, A. S. Matsumoto, and J. W. Lewis (1991) define concurrent engineering as "the process of forming and supporting multifunctional teams that set product and process parameters early in the design phase." According to Dean and Unal (1992), "Concurrent engineering is getting the right people together at the right time to identify and resolve design problems. Concurrent engineering is designing for assembly, availability, cost, customer satisfaction, maintainability, manageability, manufacturability, operability, performance, quality, risk, safety, schedule, social acceptability, and all other attributes of the product."

My most recent perception of concurrent engineering is that it includes concurrent design which is the simultaneous

How much more does it include? The literature is not clear on this point. The genopersistation recursion could be used to define concurrent engineering in it's entirety as it was used it to define concurrent design above. Even though concurrent engineering is not well defined, it's use tends to reduce cycle time and to reduce cost when appropriately applied. The challenge of the future is to scientifically determine the definition of "appropriately applied."

Parsaei and Sullivan (1993) provides an excellent set of articles which address a number of important issues within concurrent engineering. Gerwin and Susman (1996) summarizes the articles found in the IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management special issue on concurrent engineering.





Concurrent Engineering Bibliography


Professional Societies

Society of Concurrent Engineering


Call for Papers and Conferences

Concurrent Engineering Conferences
Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications Journal
Conference on Applied Concurrent Engineering
Fifth ISPE International Conference On Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications


Surfing the Web

Concurrent Engineering - University of Queensland Student Project 2
Concurrent Engineering Center - Oak Ridge
Concurrent Engineering Research Center (CERC)
Concurrent Engineering Research Group (CERG) ITESM in Mexico


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