Transaction Cost Economics and the Economics of Trust Bibliography

Edwin B. Dean

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Dugger, W. M. (1983). "The Transaction Cost Analysis of Oliver E. Williamson: A New Synthesis," Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 17, No. 1, March, pp. 95-114.

Dugger, W. M. (1993). "Transaction Cost Economics and the State," in Pitelis, C., ed., Transaction Costs, Markets and Hierarchies, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, UK.

Miller, J. G. and T. E. Vollman (1985). "The Hidden Factory," Harvard Business Review, September-October, pp. 142-150.

Pitelis, C., ed. (1993). Transaction Costs, Markets, and Hierarchies, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, UK.

Whitney, J. O. (1996). The Economics of Trust: Liberating Profits & Restoring Corporate Vitality, McGraw-Hill, New York NY.

Williamson, O. E. (1975), Markets and Hierarchies: Analysis and Antitrust Implications, The Free Press, New York NY.


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