Function Analysis Bibliography

Edwin B. Dean

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Akiyama, K. (1991). Function Analysis: Systematic Improvement of Quality and Performance, Productivity Press Inc., Cambridge MA.

Creasy, R. (1973). Functional Analysis System Technique Manual, Society of American Value Engineers, Northbrook, IL.

De Marle, D. J. and M. L. Shillito (1992). "Function Analysis," in Shillito, M. L. and D. J. De Marle, ed., Value, Its Measurement, Design, and Management, John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York NY.

Lyman, D. (1992). "The Functional Relationship Between QFD and VE," Proceedings of the Society of American Value Engineers, Vol. 27, pp. 79-85.

Snodgrass, T. J. and M. K. Kasi (1986). Function Analysis: The Stepping Stones to Good Value, The University of Wisconsin, Madison WI.


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Originated on 06/29/94 | Improved on 05/09/96